An Angel speaks.. 💫
AurorA : The Intrepod Explorer!👣
White Pearls
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -26:21

White Pearls

Higher/Lower Timelines New Form Wave Riders!

My Dear Ones

It’s been a while…. But here is a spontaneous Transmission I performed very early yesterday Rising of the frequency Timelines occurring Right Now ⬆️

We are in sombre tentative times!

Or a Higher Harmonic Timeline depending upon what looking glass we are peering into…?

Either way, I hope you are riding the Waves well as the devastating distraction tactics of the florida/Jerusalem-2D Earth Stargate are being played out in Is-Ra-el/Pal-estine to attempt to drop the collective even further into a terrifying type of gog/magog end of times prophecy.

I do not wish to undermine the pain and suffering being experienced by the innocent souls. In Truth, my Eternal Krystiac Heart is very much in deepest compassion and empathy with these Bee-In-gs 💛

But we must be strong! And begin to see the wider picture, or Agenda Play-ing out hungry to hijack our Amber Nectar - or 2nd Dimension (Sha-Ka-Ra) to loosh precious lifeforce energy that powers up this bogus machine.

Empaths can try to accommodate this lower vibration or Timeline by descending into addictive patterning’s, eating sweeter things, negative mental constructs, creating phantoms, feeding from negative people, places or things etc.

Or we can utilise the Higher Timeline of being exceptionally creative, in stillness, painting, drawing, laughing, eating fruits and vegetables filled in the sweetness of life.

Being in nature.

And playing and dancing, listening to music that feeds yOur Soul :

It’s y0ur choice. A bifurcation is currently taking place, a splitting away of the worlds so to speak. One leads us direct into the phant0m ma-tricks and old negative looping patterning’s and the 0ther to our luminescent Aur0ra Ascensi0n: Higher Timeline.

Always one heArt beat aWay…. 💛

I am recommending a video below about the splitting away of timelines..

So yes, as I say I will be with you soon in real time as I am still in strategic Operations in alignment with our Organic Crystalline Grid Network to assist in Grid Mechanic repair and recalibration.

We are all dismantling, recalibrating so its about being patient, kind and compassionate to self and others but having a clear, loving boundary within the effervescent and beautiful Sacred Crystal Heart.

Bee in the luminosity of Life and regeneration…. And please, I enCourage you to see that whilst the Outerscape appears war trodden and hard - even crazy at times - with many wormholes of delusion.

This is a very clever trick of Ma-s-King the Stargates of Higher Expression that are actually popping up all over the place to truly taste the long awaited, delicious Amber Nectar of Life..🐝

Divinely, your Water Spirit and Bee Friend!

Aur0rA’h 🐳

Covenant of Paliador

Video and Podcast intro and outro beautiful music: unKnown Source, with Divine Thanks . Timeline image: greatmindsbydesign

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