An Angel speaks.. 💫
AurorA : The Intrepod Explorer!👣
#11:16/01/22 S☀️nday Update! 🧬SPECIAL EDITION🧬: Sessions with AuroA'h & the Beloveds
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#11:16/01/22 S☀️nday Update! 🧬SPECIAL EDITION🧬: Sessions with AuroA'h & the Beloveds

Happy Dancing Cells

Hi Beloveds 🧬

I am offering personal sessions again after an over 3 year break of integration and reflection. You perhaps don’t know me from back in my ‘new age’ days but we had quite a few sparkly moments of being on a Radio Show and having a beautiful practice and clientele base which I built from scratch since 2011.

However, all that collapsed when I realised how many false-light mechanisms were instilled in New Age communities and cleverly designed so no one could truly break through the ‘glass ceiling’ to see what was really going on behind the scenes…

I had to close my Temple! This sadly meant letting go of all my clients and change my name, begin a new website….. and spend a long time to research and DETOX many mind-control programmes. Then, the ‘lock-down’ occurred…… And a whole new level of targeting ensued!! My health began to suffer again and I lost my home having to move 8 times into new surroundings to rewrite programmes, whilst being tracked by the ‘Invisible Machine’…

‘The Machine’, or rather AI’s (Atmospheric Intruders) don’t like it when you break rank and have designed multiple booby traps, detonators, wormholes, tricks, spells, BM, etc in order to keep you trapped, hooked and harnessed.

Whilst I was always an Inter-D spy sent into Circles to get the Code and restore Organic Architecture, still I had to Awaken out of the Spell myself and change frequency, so I am more Aligned with my Life Mission and purpose.

So its been the most tumultuous time ever! Which hasn’t fully come to an end…. but I received a nudge from Spirit that I am to begin Sessions again.

I am offering a special introductory price for my ‘An Angel Speaks’ subscribers for: £77 only for a while… (Please mention ‘An Angel Speaks’ in the description somewhere, so I know to apply the discount).

Please know, these are not ordinary Sessions: They are a unique Blue-Print Quantum Reality Generator in order to trigger many profound Awakenings and realisations within you, some of which might seem startling.

Sessions are attuned to the frequency, vibration and resonance of: Inter-Dimensional Association of Free Worlds. Or Beloveds, or Guardian Alliance which form part of the Original Founder Races and therefore aware of the Original Blueprint, Core Manifestation Template of our Cosmos.

I am honoured to be in presence of certain Khees & Codes to assist you in your Life Purpose, if you choose?

Session with AurorA'h & The Beloveds

🧬HAPPY DANCING CELLS - Higher Timelines

💛I am also offering my 🧬HAPPY DANCING CELLS’ - Higher Timelines, TransMission as a GIFT for a limited time to download, or rather Upload…? (see above) You can read about it here. 🧬

I loved performing this, filled in HAPPY VIBES!! 💛

It also came with a 2020 VISION: RESET CODE. Little did I know at the time what was lurking around the corner in the form of the plandemic, so it feels very poignant to offer it as a GIFT to assist you during these challenging, yet ultimately liberating times of expression… (It’s free of Time & Space, so sentiments can be applied in the Zero-Point frequency of Now…….)


Until next sweet time in the Loving Spiral… I look forward to connecting with you 💛

some good Scrolls to explore this week..

Latest Scrolls:

☀️The Heyoka Empath ☀️Power to the People ☀️Divine Image Destroyed ☀️Wandering Luminaries ☀️Spike Protein Detox ☀️Dynamic Network Access 5D/3D


Planetary Play-ground:

The Intrepod Explorer, Podcast: More, in Divine Right Timing Holographic Jigsaw:  Meds, poetry, liquid light infusions etc ⭐Courses/Presentations: Infused in Soulutions! ⭐Creativity Soul Studio:  Always Open for frequency boosts ⭐Newcomers: A very warm WELCOME :-) ⭐Protocols Vibratory guidance.. 💛Souls of Christ Orphanage: Donations greatly appreciated! ☀️Arc of AurorA: My Space!