An Angel speaks.. 💫
AurorA : The Intrepod Explorer!👣
#08:26/12 S☀️nday Update! ROYAL CROWN

#08:26/12 S☀️nday Update! ROYAL CROWN

The Resurrections

Royal Emerald Order: ROYAL CROWN - Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds

Greetings, Beloveds

I hope your Christ-Mass was as pleasant as can Be for those who celebrate this time sphere……. We have entered the RESURRECTION phase of our evolution where the Chrism Oil makes it way UP through the brain to open the Crown (or antenna) to connect with the Divine &/or Christ within and opens as a magnificent Lotus flower on the 13th day (6th Jan) to make holy union with Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine as One.

The Royal Emerald Order: ROYAL CROWN Living Light Code Template (1st image) forms reclamation of our natural authentic, original, organic: Royal Crown which was stolen from us by the Imposter King and Queen and a hideous Crown of Thorns painfully impaled into our Crown Star! This is what we refer to as a superimposition and profoundly misdirected our connection to the Christ. (I give an explanation of the making of this Template in alignment with the Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds)

image by: dee savage

Furthermore, it began to scramble our brain waves to reject the notion of our true Star and race lineages and rejection of our Interdimensional Higher Powers.

When I created it, I adorned it with Emeralds, Diamonds and Sapphires and infused it with Source Star frequencies and vibrations to activate our Heroic Probability, which we spoke of last week.

I did so in deep meditation whilst connected to breath and held only positive, Highest Intentions like how one makes a Crystal, Copper Tensor Coil. If you wish to receive the Transmissions, simply listen to the MP3 whilst looking at the Image and TRUST Highest Guidance…? However, if you want to go deeper, please follow the written guidance I give on how to use Living Light Codes.

Please In-Joy and feel free to share any RESURRECTIONS you experience, if you choose as I love to connect in this way as this is how we learn, share and grow together?

May your Crowns glow in True Light of Resurrection that is upon us…

Until next sweet time, in the loving Sphere, we Greet you within our Temple of Heart….. :-)

of interest…

Matrix Resurrections

Charlie Freak in his recent recode of the new film: Matrix Resurrections gives a link if you want to see it..

Latest Scrolls:

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Meccano Mechanics for Meditators:

☀️ I’m working on a special Transmission for 21st Gateway…. Still Unfolding in Divine Right Timing in Quantum Fields… Please watch this Space…. Thank Q for your patience…..

Planetary Play-ground:

The Intrepod Explorer, Podcast: More, in Divine Right Timing… Holographic Jigsaw:  Meds, poetry, liquid light infusions ⭐Courses/Presentations: Infused in Soulutions! ⭐Creativity Soul Studio:  Always Open for frequency boosts.. ⭐Newcomers: A very warm WELCOME… :-) ⭐Protocols Vibratory guidance.. ⭐Souls of Christ Orphanage: Donations greatly appreciated! ☀️Arc of AurorA: My Web Space!

I Recommend Revolution-s:

⭐ Quick Fix Vibratory Top-Up's frequency bursts of Starlight…..

⭐ Heroic Probability Activate your Inner-Hero to assist during this challenging yet ultimate time of Resurrection!

An Angel speaks.. 💫
AurorA : The Intrepod Explorer!👣
... to go boldly into the Great unKnown.... 👣